This is my blog post in E-learning Courseware Development, TECH2000.
It is contain my reflection bout 5 topics I learned it in this course.
I hope you benefit and enjoy on it. Your comments are welcome :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Supporting Teaching by Creating Presentations

 1. Descriptive Reflection:

Presentations are away of communicating ideas and information to a group of audience using different types of technologies.

Effective presentations contain at least four elements. Theses elements are:

1. Content => The information that people need.
2. Structure => Logical beginning, middle and end.
3. Packaging => It must be well prepared.
4. Human Element => Presenter and Audience.

Presentations seems as effective tool in teaching because it engaging students to participate in the classroom setting and attract students attention through using different visuals and sounds.

There are many presentation tools used to even create or deliver presentations like:

* Prezi, MS PowerPoint, Camtasia studio, Captivate, slidshare, Leeshare and so on. 

2. Critical Reflection:

I see presentations as effective teaching tool because of its features in encouraging participation and attracting attention. But unfortunately, in our schools there are few number of teachers who use this tool in teaching. I don not know way that?. They only use the traditional way 
of teaching through lecturing . Also those few teachers who use presentations in teaching they use it in boring way. They must have best knowledge in how to design good presentation with use of different types of multimedia. The teacher should integrate the multimedia into their presentations to create good and attractive presentation that best deliver the information in attractive and appealing way.

In this course I learned how to create effective presentations and how to be good presenter. Also in Introduction to educational technology course I learned that. I learned how to choose appropriate colors, fonts and visuals. Also how to highlight the important ideas. In presenting I learned also that I should use different tone of voice, be confident, use eye contact and asking questions to attract attention.

I use prezi before I take it in this course to create presentation about self confidence to Educational Counseling course with my group. Prezi is helpful tool to create presentations with sounds, videos, pictures and different format.I like it and I interested in using it. You can see my prezi presentation from this link:

I also used slidshare to share my presentations and report assignments before in two course Distance Education and Evaluation Technology courses. Slideshare is also effective tool to share presentations to be available to everyone. These are examples of my slidshare work:

In the future, I will used presentations to present the content and information to my students and I will implement all the principles of creating effective and good presentation.  I will use different tools of creating presentations to attract students attention and engage them in learning process. Also I will teach my students how to create  effective presentations and give them a chance to present in front of the class to gain some confident and implement the features of good presenter. I hope the ministry of education do training workshops to the teachers to train them creating and preparing presentations using different presentations tools.

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