This is my blog post in E-learning Courseware Development, TECH2000.
It is contain my reflection bout 5 topics I learned it in this course.
I hope you benefit and enjoy on it. Your comments are welcome :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mobile Learning In The Classroom

 1. Descriptive Reflection:

Mobile learning or M-learning is modern way of e-learning to support the learning process through using mobile devices like: Smart phones, Tablet PC, PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), Handheld computers, Notebooks and other devices.

I took this lesson before in E-learning Strategy course in SQU. The instructor tell us that M-learning present unique features compared to other e-learning forms. These features are presenting personal, collaborative, situated and interactive instruction. It also provide on demand learning. I mean it can be anywhere,anytime and in any pace.

It has alot of benefits in learning which are:
1. Flexibility of learning that can be anytime, anywhere and in any pace.
2. Flexibility in term of shape, weight and can be used for different learning objectives and learners style.
3. Support different types of interaction like: student-student, student-teacher, student-machine, student-content interaction. Also the interaction can be synchronous and asynchronous.
4. Suitable for different learning approaches, individual, collaborative and self-learning.
5. Deliver faster communication and collaboration.
6. Support different formats of multimedia.
7. Inexpensive compared with other technologies like laptops and PCs.

But still it has some challenges like:

1. Technical challenges:
- Memory limitations.
- Its screen size,connectivity and battery life.
- Content security and copyrights issues.
- Risk of sudden obsolescence.
2. Social and educational challenges include:
- Assessment of learning outside the classroom.
- Supporting learning.
- Accessibility and cost barriers.
- Personal and private information.
- No demographic boundary.

1. Critical Reflection:

I think mobile learning can improve the quality of learning outcomes and provide different improvements in the educational setting. But I do not recommend for fully m-learning but I see blended learning is better. I mean it is better to integrate m-learning with the traditional learning in some courses. This is to avoid the limitation or challenges of m-learning.

It is the first time for me to use mobile in learning in this course. We discussed about the cyber safety issue for one week. You can see some pictures about the discussion here.
I like this experiment because it help us to learn in anytime and anywhere. The learning happened in all the day not only during the class time. I feel free when I participate. It is really nice experiment. Also it gives the shy people good opportunity to participate more than in the class setting.

With mobile learning you can learn from different applications that it has like: e-books, instructional games, glossaries , messages and so on. But because of its limitations I think more teachers not prefer to use it in learning process. Like its requirements of other devices, need for technical support, screen size of the mobiles and the need for internet connections.

I do presentation about m-learning to Individualize Instruction course and the instructor like it very much and said that the mobile learning is one of the most appropriate technologies to individualize learning. But unfortunately my laptop was disrupted last semester and I lost most of my files and also this presentation.

In the future, I hope the use of mobile learning will increase especially in higher education setting because of the high capabilities and features of mobile devices that continue improving and developing. Because of its ease of use and availability I recommend the educational institutions to plan to integrate the mobile learning in the learning process to improve its outcomes. As a teacher I will use mobiles in some lessons to change the routine of learning and to benefit from the capabilities and features of mobile learning. I will use it mainly in discussions and sharing ideas about some topics. I will do the best to ensure the good using of media in learning not for other purposes like entertainment or fun.

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